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Webinar - Pilates on Tour

While Pilates on Tour is having its first In-Person event in Chicago, they are also having some virtual workshops! And that’s what I’ll be doing for Pilates on Tour Chicago 2022!

Join me on Friday, September 30, 2022 ONLINE…
2-5:15pm Central/Chicago Time (note the time zone)

Workshop: Proprioception and Interoception: How Can I Tell What I’m Doing?
Where are you in space? How do you know without looking in the mirror or needing hands-on? How do you clients know? In The Vertical Workshop, our method works to develop both your sense of your body in space and what’s going on in the inside. When we develop and help our clients develop this, great changes can occur! Physical goals can be achieved! It is a vital aspect to muscle learning and real change that goes beyond the session or class. Why isn’t it taught more? Why don’t Pilates teachers recognize the value of it? It’s time you developed this and taught it! Teaching is so much easier and more rewarding when we use all of the tools available to us! This one is a bit of a mind-blower!

Apparatus/Equipment: Can you do this on any apparatus? Yes! You can just have a mat!

Level: For Everyone! Yes, non-teachers, too!!

Registration: I have no idea how you register for the online aspects of Pilates on Tour…but I’ll get you that info as soon as I can and post it here!