Welcome to The Vertical Workshop: where the science and art of Pilates unite.
We provide the finest in Pilates education for all styles: sessions, classes, online streaming workouts and webinars, continuing education, teacher training (classical pilates apprenticeship), and bridge participation (classical Pilates).
We believe in critical thinking, creativity and happiness! Curious? Learn more here!

Shari Berkowitz
The Vertical Workshop was created by Shari Berkowitz, a Pilates teacher of teachers, biomechanist and ergonomist. Shari’s formidable research of the human body and Pilates brings Pilates to a new level of accessibility and success.

Ready to get started?
Join Shari for Pilates education that makes sense: science and evidence-based, effective, inclusive, fun. Pilates that you love!
Workouts with Shari
Each workout you do with Shari is for both you and for your clients! You’ll achieve both your physical and professional goals whether in person or via video.
Continuing Education
Experience the difference! Workshops with Shari are body and mind altering. Whether in person or via video, you will learn more than you could have imagined and have a great time, too! It’s possible!
Teacher Training
Shari Berkowitz has created the most effective classical Pilates education program that is clear, full of evidence-based information and imbued with a level of kindness and fun that is not found in any other program.